About me
My story
Hello, I’m Jenny. My job is to help you to succeed in your career, without sacrificing your family life, through 1:1 coaching.
As a busy mum, juggling my own career and family life, I understand just how hard it is to find time for yourself to even think about your career, let alone change it.
After the birth of my son, I experienced a massive shift in my priorities. My little family was (and still is!) my number one priority and my time and headspace available for my career was massively reduced.
I lost a lot of my confidence in my professional skills and struggled to focus in a job that didn't feel like it fitted my values anymore.
Despite feeling like I wanted to better utilise my skills and find a more flexible role to balance my family life, I felt a big burden of responsibility for supporting my family. Where I previously would have jumped at new career opportunities, I was a lot more risk averse and stability and security felt more important than my own happiness.
I felt stuck
Does this sound familar to you?
I could hear the same rhetoric all around me from other parents, especially mums, who had lost their confidence and wanted to change their career.
They were unhappy in their current 'stable' career but had no idea what they wanted to do or where to start.
Motivated by my own experience, and the stories of so many parents around me, I founded Baby Steps Coaching.
I had already qualified in Executive Coaching ILM Level 7 whilst I was pregnant and this felt like the perfect opportunity to hone in on parents during a time of transition that I know so well.
I made the big leap to follow a career that I love, that utilises and stretches my skills on a daily basis, that fits around my family and enables me to really experience my son growing up.
My background
Throughout my career in the Higher Education and voluntary sector I have managed and worked with people who have wanted to develop themselves and overcome barriers, whilst balancing their home and work life.
I have supported people:
- returning from maternity leave
- planning a change of career direction
- pursuing a promotion or gaining new project work
- adjusting to life changes following cancer treatment
- taking their first steps on the career ladder.
From managing a helpline for people affected by cancer, to supporting university students with their career goals, I have always been passionate about supporting people to move forward in a way that suits their individual needs.
My approach to coaching encompasses these values and builds on this experience. I’ll help you achieve realistic goals which balance your family and career.
My qualifications
In 2018 I achieved the ILM Level 7 in Executive Coaching qualification at University of the West of England.
I have extensive management experience and have completed a wealth of management training including ILM Level 2 in Team Leading in 2017.
I achieved the Macmillan Certificate in Cancer Support in 2015 and have an interest in supporting people affected by cancer.
I attained the Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Sector qualification in 2011 and have delivered numerous training sessions in people management across my career.