Feeling the fear and embracing change - Rachel's story
***A case study from a recent client I worked with at the end of 2021. Name changed to protect client's confidentiality*** ...
5 signs you’re not asking for help enough (and probably should be!)
Raising children was always meant to be done as part of a strong support network, a parenting ‘village’! So ...
7 ways to stop FIREFIGHTING at work and PROGRESS in your career
Do you want to progress in your career but you’re so busy firefighting in your current role that you can’t see a way forward?...
5 Tips to Balance your Career and Family Life
Balancing your career with being a parent is hard enough in ‘normal’ times, right?...
9 ways to find some headspace to put yourself back in charge of your career
Are you thinking about changing and progressing in your career but life just seems to get in the way? ...
Top tips for managing sleep at nursery
This month we have a guest blog from the lovely Jenna Wilson from Little Dreams Sleep Consulting ...
Are you doing the most important thing first?
After months of juggling childcare and working from home, this morning I had a whole morning to focus on my business! So, what did ...
Five steps to take the fear out of setting goals
The thing about setting goals is that there are generally two outcomes. ...
Covid-19 - an opportunity to reflect?
Wow, what a strange week it’s been! When I started writing this blog...
Overcoming 'parent guilt' when returning to work
Like many women, I’ve suffered from ‘mum guilt’. Even from the first weeks of pregnancy I felt guilty for that boozy conference b...
Finding the time to move forward
Some coaches will tell you that you can have it all….be the dream parent, have the amazing career, run the perfect business, have a blissful...
I don’t know who I am anymore
I was recently having a conversation with another mum friend who proclaimed, “I don’t know who I am anymore”. After having a baby...